two puppies playing

Select your new dog with your lifestyle and living situation in mind. In addition to your new family member's personality, consider its temperament, size, and coat as well. Some breeds have traits that may be objectionable in certain circumstances, such as hyper excitability or a tendency to bark. Your veterinarian is a valuable resource and should be consulted before you acquire a pet of any kind.

Breed Selection

There are two types of dogs--purebred and mixed breed. The 124 recognized breeds are grouped into seven categories: hound, working, terrier, toy, sporting, non-sporting, and herding. There are thousands of mixed-breed combinations. Each purebred or mixed-breed dog has a unique personality. Dogs originally bred for a specific purpose tend to retain these characteristics. These dogs may require additional training and patience. Selecting a specific breed does not guarantee a particular behavior, but choosing offspring from animals with desirable temperaments does increase one's chances of getting the best pet. Mixed breeds can be as beautiful, intelligent, loving, and companionable as purebreds.Veterinarians, breed-specific books (usually available at libraries and pet stores), and dog shows are excellent sources of information about individual breed characteristics and needs.

Friend or Protector?

Most dogs, even tiny ones, bark when strangers approach their home or yard. This bark is usually enough to deter intruders. A pet should not be trained as an attack dog. Attack-trained dogs require special handling and knowledge to prevent accidental injury to people, including members of your own family.

  • A Guide to Pet Nutrition

    In 2007, several million bags of pet food were recalled in the United States due to contamination. Though some of the recalls were done by the manufacturers voluntarily to "be safe," some of the recalled food was found to have contaminated vegetable proteins. Several pets unfortunately died, and even

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  • Are You Leaving Your Pet Alone?

    Many of us can't stay home with our pets all day long, but that doesn't mean you can't have a happy dog or cat. As with children, quality can help make up for lack of quantity, according to animal behaviorist and CALLING ALL PETS host Patricia "Trisha" McConnell. "What's really important is what happens

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    Cats, unlike dogs, are true carnivores which means they thrive on meat only diets and require no vegetable, grain, or dairy supplementation. Cows milk is not recommended for cats because it can be too rich for their digestive systems. This is because most cats can't digest milk properly because it contains

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  • A Great Tool for Pet Owners

    Apps for Smart Phones Of the 1.3 million apps available, at least a few are related to pets!   One is the Whistle Activity Monitor which is a device that attaches to a dog's collar, and has an app to monitor the dog's daily activity. It also can chart food and medications, and can be

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  • Anesthesia Free Dentistry

    Does your dog have stinky breath? Do your cat's teeth look brown? In fact, periodontal disease is the most common disease that pets develop. It is estimated that 80 to 85% of dogs and cats have some degree of infection. It is not just a cosmetic problem, chronic infection shortens their life because

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  • Camping With Your Pets

    Camping is an increasingly popular activity for families and their pets. Many dogs and some cats enjoy traveling with their families. Here are a few tips to help make your pet's adventure into the great outdoors a success. Research the campground or area that you are planning on visiting. Not all

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  • 6 Rules to Improve Your Cat's Diet

    Do Not Overfeed "Obesity is the most common nutritional disease seen in cats," says Joe Bartges, DVM, PhD at the University of Tennessee's College of Veterinary Medicine. It is a common bad habit for cat owners to feed their cats too much. Cats only need 24 to 35 calories per pound of body weight each

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  • All About Hairballs

    Does your favorite feline leave you hairballs as gifts? If so, you’re not alone. Although we love cats for being meticulous groomers, it’s safe to say we don’t like finding hairy presents around the house. Let’s explore what causes hairballs and how to prevent them. What Causes a Hairball? Hairballs

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  • 5 Ways to Protect Your Dog's Hearing

    The acuity of your family dog's hearing far surpasses that of humans. Hearing is a critical sense to dogs, and when diminished, will increase dependency on the sense of smell. When a dog hears something, he can hear it without moving his head. Many muscles surrounding the ears help dogs get premium sound

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  • Captive Reptiles May Have Nutritional Deficiency

    Pet owners keeping reptiles in captivity as household pets may sometimes find that their pets have a nutritional deficiency. Metabolic bone disease is "the most common nutritional deficiency affecting captive reptiles," advises veterinarian Fredrick L. Frye in Reptile Care: An Atlas of Diseases and Treatments.

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  • Bringing Dog Vision in Focus

    Veterinary ophthalmologists are often asked, "How well do animals see?" Visual function involves a combination of many factors, including: the field of view, depth perception, acuity, perception of motion, and color differentiation. All of these functions must then be integrated by the brain to produce

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  • How to Clean Your Pet's Teeth

    Per their dentist’s recommendation, most people brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Practicing regular at-home care and routinely visiting an oral health professional can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Having good oral hygiene practices is also essential for helping

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  • How to Control Bad Breath in Pets: Tips & Tricks

    There’s nothing fun about getting a slobbery wet kiss from a dog or a cat with bad breath! Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is generally caused by excessive build-up of odor -producing bacteria inside your pet’s mouth, lungs, or even gut. While most cases of bad breath can be traced back to poor

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  • Adopting a Pet Is Just the Beginning

    Your Pet's First Wellness Exam Your veterinarian will perform several services essential to the animal's immediate and long-term well being. A typical evaluation will include blood and fecal tests to check for parasites or diseases that might require immediate treatment. Your pet may also

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  • Bird Grooming - Wings, Beaks & Nails

    The grooming that is necessary for birds is something that may get overlooked, since typically we don't let them constantly roam freely around our houses like with other pets. However, just because they are set on a perch safe within their cages doesn't mean that their maintenance should be any less.

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  • Does Your Cat Need Vaccines?

    In a word, yes. “No other medical development has been as successful as vaccination in controlling deadly diseases in companion animals,” says feline veterinarian Dr. Arnold Plotnick. The Exception Dr. Plotnick and other veterinarians acknowledge that, rarely, vaccinations in cats have been linked

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